Friday, February 24, 2012

Study Shows That Women Are Smarter Than Men About Social Media

According to "when it comes to managing their social media profiles, women, on average, behave more like mature, responsible adults while men act like impulsive adolescents".  A new study from Pew Internet & American Life Project polled 2,277 adults for the report, that was titled "Privacy Management on Social Media Sites".  When they broke down the results by gender, an interesting pattern appeared.  Women are behaving more cautiously than men, and men are feeling the negative consequences of it.  The main difference was in the privacy settings.  Two-thirds of female users allow only their friends to view their MySpace, LinkedIn, and Facebook pages, while less than half of all male users do so.  26% of men choose the most public setting for their profiles versus 14% of women.  Also, nearly twice as many men than women (15% vs. 8%) regretted something that they had previously posted.

So this causes me to wonder, why are women so much more careful than men?  In my own opinion, I do not think that guys go on Facebook or other social media sites as often as girls do.  Most, but not all, girls seem to update their status at lease once a day, if not more, while guys seem to only update it every once in a while.  Maybe this is why males, according to the survey, are less careful with their privacy settings and what they post than females because they are not on those sites nearly as often as girls are so they do not keep track of their own profiles.  All I have to say is that regardless of your gender, you should definitely be keeping track of who can view your pages and what you are posting anyways, or else it could lead to regret or negative consequences.


  1. Very Interesting! It is cool to look at which sex is smarted about all of the new social media outlets, and to me, it makes sense that women would be more savvy with this new technology. Very interesting, nice job!

  2. I am not surprised by the data produced by the surveys. I feel females have always been more reserved when it comes to expressing their feelings. More young girls keep private diaries than males do, and Facebook is no different. As young girls get older their Facebook page turns into their diary.

  3. The data is definitely interesting. I feel like women may be more private and careful with their posts because they are more conscious of who is looking at their posts. By that I mean that girls are often friends on Facebook with people who they barely know or who they know through a friend of a friend and have to be thinking about which friends will see their new posts. I think that men are far more specific in who they friend, therefore have to be less concerned with who sees their posts.
